Developing and Deploying the Quantum Communications Infrastructure


Design quantum cryptography encryption methods based on quantum physics


Develop technology based on Quantum Key Distribution cryptograph approaches


Integrate this innovate novel technology into the current existing telecommunications networks to facilitate an additional ultra-secure layer in the transmission of information.

The Quantum Communication Innovation Forum brought together experts from the quantum communications field.

The Partners

The Technology

Quantum Cryptography

Encryption & protocols for secure communications & cybersecurity using Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)

Secure Communications

Bringing an additional ultra-secure layer to telecommunication networks, based on quantum technologies

European Deployment

A pan-European effort to bring ultra-secure quantum cryptography to all member states of the European Union.

The Spanish Initiative of the European Program

EuroQCI Spain represents the Spanish initiative of the European program funded by the European Commission.

The European Commission is working with all 27 EU Member States, and the European Space Agency (ESA), to design, develop and deploy the EuroQCI, which will be composed of a terrestrial segment relying on fibre communications networks linking strategic sites at national and cross-border level, and a space segment based on satellites. It will be an integral part of IRIS², the new EU space-based secure communication system.

The EuroQCI will safeguard sensitive data and critical infrastructures by integrating quantum-based systems into existing communication infrastructures, providing an additional security layer based on quantum physics. It will reinforce the protection of Europe’s governmental institutions, their data centres, hospitals, energy grids, and more, becoming one of the main pillars of the EU’s Cybersecurity Strategy for the coming decades.

The EuroQCI will make use of innovative quantum communication technologies such as those developed by the researchers of the EU-funded Quantum Technologies Flagship, and building in particular on the activities of the Horizon 2020 OPENQKD project. The involvement of European industry partners and SMEs is also crucial to ensuring that the critical components of EuroQCI are based on European technologies, and ultimately to boosting Europe’s scientific, technological and industrial capabilities in cybersecurity and quantum technologies. The initiative will thus contribute to European digital sovereignty and industrial competitiveness, and help to meet Europe’s Digital Decade target of being at the cutting edge of quantum capabilities by 2030.

References to the General European overall program EuroQCI can be found under this link.

The main objectives

  1. Design the preliminary National architecture of EuroQCI in Spain, starting from the nodes in the metropolitan areas of the largest Spanish cities, Madrid (MAD) and Barcelona (BCN), and then extending to more locations.
  2. Deploy QKD and cryptography systems and demonstrate their functionality in the field, in the BCN and MAD nodes. And design the extension to additional cities.
  3. Make quantum networks available first to public authorities and demonstrate use cases, developing a national-based quantum communication ecosystem, that can also be extended to the private sector in the future.
  4. Assess feasibility of free-space and long-distance quantum communication networks (including trusted nodes and quantum repeater demonstrators) compatible with the EuroQCI architecture, intracity and intercity, the latter in preparation of large-scale deployment of QCI beyond national borders.
  5. Prepare for very long-distance links by studying the interface between QCI space and terrestrial segments.
  6. Cooperate and participate with other Member States in the deployment plan and strategic efforts towards designing and building the EuroQCI system architecture.


  1. National network architecture design and specification based on the list of technological and architectural requirements to address the end users demands.
  2. Enhanced Quantum Network: Deployed network able to deliver end to end keys to any node supporting the use-cases, including the experimental systems and free space links. Demonstrate out of the lab entanglement distribution.
  3. Use-Cases Demonstrations: Full execution of Public authorities and Public interest sector demonstrations, data and metrics collection and analysis of results.
  4. Extension beyond BCN/MAD: Technical and financial feasibility of multiple-city QKD nodes and intercity QKD links in Spain



Years of deplyoment


Prototype Eagle 1